Nose Job

Yesterday, I got a Septoplasty, turbinate reduction, and polyps removed from my sinus. I had a deviated septum, probably from all of the bad decisions I made growing up, that got straightened out, and a bunch of things that was blocking the airway in my nose removed. I first realized that I had sinus issues when my parents told me that I needed to chill out on blowing my nose so often in the…

Setting up SFTP on AWS EC2

I've recently setup a new instance of AWS EC2 (Ubuntu 18.04) to host WordPress sites using Docker . To make transferring of files a lot easier from my development environment to my ec2 instance, I set up an SFTP server. If anyone else is trying to do something similar, here is how you can do the same. Install vsftpd Update the vsftpd.conf file (/etc/vsftpd.conf) I created a copy of the original…

Hasta Luego

I recently got back from a trip to Ecuador with my dad. I'd like to write a detailed post about everything I did, but I personally hate long articles, so I'm going to let pictures do the talking (and I suck at writing). The last time I was in Ecuador, I was 13. I think at that age you don't really appreciate being able to experience and travel to different countries. Going to Ecuador opened my…

Hello World

Suh dudes, My site is still a work in progress, but the core functionality of the CMS seems to be working. This site is hosted using AWS and created using Gatsby and Netlify . I wanted to learn ReactJS , and thought that creating my personal site using it would be a great idea. I haven't had to dive deep into the React world setting this site up so far, thanks to the availability of open…